Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bachmann-Palin Overdrive

If indeed we "ain't seen nothing yet" as far as the upcoming election season - well then, it is patently obvious that I will be upping my valium dosage.

It's not that I object to these women as Tea Bagging Republicans (ok, wait - I can't stop giggling, I really do object to that) BUT that these two poster children for the Willfully Stupid are the best that the Republican sisterhood has to offer is the part I find so objectionable.  I am offended, as a woman, that they too are women.

This would all be very amusing were it a Christopher Guest movie - but it is not.

The fact that Sarah Palin can completely rewrite history and get her supporters riled up enough that they would change the information on the Paul Revere Wikipedia page (repeatedly) to match her misinformation is frightening.  She wants to blame the "lamestream media" as always for that "gotcha question" that got her into such a flusteration in the first place.   As many of you know, the ambush question that had Paul Revere basically committing treason was: "What did you see today and what do you plan to take away from it?".   Yup, that was clearly a trick question posed, no doubt, by the demonic journalistic team of Boris Badenov & Natasha Fatale.  Big trouble for Moose & Squirrel.  And Caribou Barbie.

And Michele Bachmann?!  At the moment every time she opens her mouth it's a fiasco and yet she is building a strong base of like-minded wingnuts. "Pray the gay away"?  Umm, has she met her husband for starters?  "Children born into slavery had a better chance of growing up in a two parent household"?  Are. You. F*cking. Kidding. Me?!?  Having the chutzpah to use and mispronounce the word, "chutzpah"?  Now that's a shonda!

So, let's see, so far they've both alienated: the LGBT community, African-Americans and the Jews.  Oh, and people with brains. And because there are a lot of people who fit into more than one of the above - that leaves a lot, a lot, of people left to follow these two fruitcakes.

Many of them fall into that oxymoronic (and I do mean moronic) group, The Religious Right.  The Religious Right are neither.  How people can espouse such intolerance for people who are, apparently, not created equal to them and then call themselves Christians in the same breath is beyond the pale.  Look, they're the ones that believe in hell so you'd think they'd act a bit better.  But then again I've never believed that fear of eternal damnation should be the reason that keeps people from acting like asshats. I could be wrong.  It happens.

Unfortunately, willful stupidity is my kryptonite. It works my last nerve and tries my otherwise, well, almost saint-like patience so this is going to be a l o n g election season. 

I have already started yelling at my TV way too much. 

I keep thinking that my level of incredulity can go no higher, when just like the volume on the amps in Spinal Tap, it goes to eleven. 

I am already in Bachmann-Palin Overdrive.