I was a hostage of the Catholic Church for my first 17 years. Our father was a Protestant - although not Protestant enough to ever be able to answer the question of which sub-denomination - just standard issue Protestant, I guess. Our mother was Catholic so our parents' marriage was considered "mixed" and they had to sign over any and all children to the Catholic Church. It was the law.
In 8th grade, I declared myself to be an Atheist. Mother, naturally, had a fit and so, in my Libra way - I compromised (hedging my bets anyway - just in case) and met her halfway with Agnostic. At the end of that year, which concluded our middle school years, there was a graduation ceremony. Founded in 1881, the Convent is New York's oldest private school for girls (mummy & her sister had attended Sacred Heart as well), we were big on ceremony and tradition.
The graduation was held in the courtyard. Originally, this landmark building, the Otto Kahn mansion, had been the largest single family dwelling in New York city. The acoustics are quite good - The Philharmonic, Enrico Caruso and George Gershwin had performed there when Mr. Kahn and his family lived in the building and Lady Gaga (an alum) filmed A Very GaGa Thanksgiving in that courtyard and other spaces in the buildings.
Medals for excellence were awarded in many different areas ('cause you can't have tradition and ceremony without medals of honour). Suddenly, the Head of Middle School announced, "And the award for Religion goes to Pam Adams". Well, I was certainly shocked as hell and Mother started laughing - which of course could be heard by all 40 or so of the other, non-hysterical parents. Damn those acoustics.
I have no problem with religion, per se. I am, in truth, honestly happy for those who are genuinely comforted by their faith. I myself use Valium. I feel rather confident in thinking that there is no organized, recognized religion (none of this Charlie Manson, Devil worship, Taliban, fringe group, whatever bullshit) whose deity commands them to go out and kill, maim, rape and pillage in his/her name. In fact, that "not killing" one is pretty much #1 on the hit parade we call the 10 Commandments. And yet, religion has been the cause of an ass-load (technical military term) of wars.
Of course another commandment is the taking of His name in vain, etc. Jesus wept, man - Catholics are the worst at this one.
I also don't think that it should be fear of eternal damnation that compels people to act with respect, empathy and kindness towards each other.
Though clearly no religious scholar - there are a few things that I have learned either first hand and/or remember from school, church, Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell that really are just good common sense and manners. The world wouldn't be in quite the clusterfuck it is currently if we all practiced what we preached.
First, and I really cannot stress this any more often than I already do - the Religious Right is neither. It is truly appalling and the hypocrisy is wrong - shockingly wrong. Sure, they talk the talk - but walk the walk? Well, according to what I recall of the teachings of the Bible - really not so much. Spewing hatred and then hiding behind a religion goes against the tenets of most religions as well as the basic laws of civility.
If you believe the brochure - we are all created equal, in His image, God doesn't make mistakes (but really, ego much on that one?) and so on. Apparently the Religious Right and their ilk did not get this memo because unless we look like them and think like them, we are not their equal and never will be.
Treat people the same way you would like to be treated. Well, Jesus H. Christ, again if we are any different than they - we are the ones who are wrong (but clearly have a much tighter grip on reality) and also damned to hell (which given what counts as a "good Christian" these days is sounding better all the time). Although it wouldn't hurt anyone to hold a door open for someone, let someone into the line of traffic, simply say, "please" and "thank you".
Then there's The Westboro Baptist Church who picket the funerals of anyone either known or presumed to be gay or the funerals of veterans who have fought so that we all might have the right to freedom of speech. No matter how hateful. Their choice of words (as well as their inability to spell, punctuate, or just form an intelligent thought) speaks volumes. Very Christian indeed.
Judge not lest ye be judged - let he who is without sin cast the first stone - the whole glass house deal. Okay, I guess that I am technically breaking this one myself even as I type - but they started it.
In this last week, the Supreme Court came down with some historic decisions - the invalidation of parts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, striking down the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 and lifting Prop 8 in California. Judge Antonin Scalia proved himself to be both racist (declaring the Voting Rights Act a perpetuation of racial entitlement) and homophobic (voting for DOMA to be upheld).
I cannot say how very much I hope that one of these days one of those "Rapture" thingies actually does happen. I know that I'm not going anywhere and neither are my friends but it's a good way to round up some of the loonies.
But you, Justice Scalia? You and all of the others who are more concerned with limiting peoples' civil rights and furthering inequality than upholding the founding principle of the United States AND Christianity - that all men are created equal. And by "men" we mean all of mankind (yes, including women) and by "all" we don't just mean white, heterosexual and Christian. Jesus tap-dancing Christ - I don't know what the fu...Wait, what's that? Oh look! It's Jesus, Bojangles, Sammy Davis, Jr., Gregory Hines, Alvin Ailey, Michael Bennett & Jerome Robbins (in the front row anyway). Oh, honey - be afraid, be very afraid - Jesus is coming for you and he has back-up dancers!
And-a 5, 6, 7, 8...
Love it Pam! Your award for religion was well deserved.
ReplyDeleteHa! Thanks, Bee. A college friend of mine forwarded it to her cousin-in-law, an Episcopal minister and he replied that it was Outfuckingstanding! High praise, indeed! Also sounds like a Righteous Rev!